蟹爪兰花盛开的窍门/Tips for Christmas Cactus Blooming Every Year
蟹爪兰在每年的感恩节前后开花, 特别喜庆, 很有节日的气氛. 很多人喜欢养蟹爪兰, 但是有不少朋友养的蟹爪兰不开花, 或者开的不旺盛. 我今天与大家分享一下蟹爪兰开花盛开的几个小窍门. 其实蟹爪兰一点都不难养蟹, 让蟹爪兰每年鲜花盛开是容易的一件事, 我相信如果做按我的方法, 明年你的蟹爪兰一定能鲜花盛开.
Christmas Cactus usually bloom around Thanksgiving time. they are colorful and beautiful flowers. They are one of popular indoor plants/flowers. However, you may not get full blooming flower. I want to share tips to get full blooming Christmas Cactus every year.
以下是让蟹爪兰花每年盛开的小窍门/Christmas Cactus Blooming Tips:
1. 蟹爪兰开完花后要剪枝, 特别是你觉得那个枝不健康的时候, 你可以狠狠的剪枝. 起码要剪掉花下面的一截枝, 请看下图视频/ Trim the Christmas Cactus after blooming, the video below show you how to trim
2. 每年春天把花搬移到房子外面, 但是不能直接晒太阳, 也就是说要放在阴凉的地方, 冬天冰冻以前搬到室内/ move the Christmas Cactus plants to outside in shady area, and move them back inside before freezing
3. 每两年春天换一次土, 我通常用 Hope Depot 的 Potting Soil/change soil every other year in Spring, I usually use potting soil from Home Depot
4. 浇水10 - 14 天到两周浇一次水/water the plants every 10 - 14 days
祝大 家明年的蟹爪兰鲜花盛开!/Wish your Christmas Cactus fully blooming next year!